Compose SMS
Change Password
My Contacts
My Groups
My Sender ID
Send Later
My Reports
Broadcast SMS
My History
Create Template
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How To Use This Page
Step # 1 - Watch the "How To" video
Step # 2 - Try the FAQ's : This section covers the most common questions asked by our users
Step # 3 - Use the Box: If your question is missing, type it in the box and we will reply to you on priority
Step # 4 - Call Us: If you still haven't got an answer then we're here to help. You can email or call us 24/7/365
Step # 1: "How To" Video Guide
Step # 2: Frequently Asked Questions
1- Compose SMS-
For sending Single SMS to single Mobile number or Multiple Mobile numbers separated by commas-
Q- How can i send Single SMS/ testing message?
A- Click on
Compose SMS
i. Type Mobile number in phone number box
ii. Type Message to be sent in message box
iii. Click on submit.
iv. Wait until Message sent successfully comes on screen.
Q- How can I send SMS to couple of Mobile Numbers?
A- Click on
Compose SMS
i. Type Mobile number in phone number box separated by commas without spaces for Ex- 9999999999,8888888888,7777777777,etc..
ii. Type message to be sent in message box
iii. Click on submit.
iv. Wait until Message sent successfully comes on screen.
Note- For sending SMS in Local language you have to select Unicode instead of text in type option every time.
2- My Password-
For security reasons of your SMS account/Database you have to change the password as many times you want during certain interval of times.
Q- How can I change the password?
A- Click on My password Section-
i. Type current password in current password box.
ii. Type New password in new password box.
iii. Type New password again in confirm password box.
iv. Click on edit.
Your password has been changed successfully.
3- My Contacts-
Under my contacts section you can add, edit, delete,view, send SMS, send templates of single/multiple groups at a same time.
Q- How can I add single mobile number?
A- Click on My Contacts Section
i. Click on add
ii. Type entries in name, mobile number, area, guardian's name, guardian's mobile number, class, section, bus number, address of receiver in all fields.
iii. Click on submit.
Q- How can I add multiple Mobile Numbers?
A- Click on My Contacts Section
i. Click on add
ii. Click on add from CSV
iii. Prepare excel sheet in comma delimited.csv format with following field in it-
a. Open a excel sheet.
b. In column A- Mobile numbers-Single 10 digit Mobile number without space on which SMS have to be sent
c. In column B- Receiver Name
d. In column C- Area- Locality/Roll No./Admission Number etc...
e. In column D- Parent Name- Father/Mother name
f. In column E- Parent's mobile number- Single 10 digit mobile number.
g. In column F- Address
h. In column G- Bus Number
i. In column H- Class
j. In column I- Section
k. In column J- Group Name- If you fill this entry then groups will get automatically created and the particular student entry will be saved under that group.
l. Click on Save as to save the excel sheet
m. Give the location desktop or anywhere you want it.
n. In save as type option select the comma delimited .csv format.
o. Click on save.
iv. Click on browse
a. Select the file
b. Click on open
v. Click on submit one time and wait for some minutes until the data gets uploaded.
Q- How can I edit single mobile number?
A- Click on My contacts
i. Select the check box of particular recceiver.
ii. Click on edit.
iii. Change/Modify the entries.
iv. Click on edit.
v. The editing can also be done inside the "My Groups" section.
Q- How can I delete the Single/multiple entries of receiver's mobile numbers?
A- Click on My Contacts- for deleting single entry at a time
i. Select the check box of particular entry.
ii. Click on delete
iii. The particular entry will get deleted entirely from the database, from my groups section also.
A- For deleting multiple mobile numbers at a time.-
i. Change view from 25 to 50/100/200/500/1000 and click on show on page.
ii. Then go at the bottom of the page and select check all box.
iii. Click on delete.
iv. Entire entries will get deleted from the system.
Note- The data which you will add/edit/delete by the following above written options will get added/edited/deleted entirely in/from the system (Contacts and Groups). So Editing of the data of students will be done in contacts(MASTER DATA) not in groups.
4- My Groups-
Students can be sorted into groups. Such groups are uploaded/created through my Groups option. Once created, you can send group SMS to a Class / Section / Bus Route / Sport Team / House by selecting the group
Q- How Can I create a new group?
A- Click on My Groups
i. Click on Add
ii. Type the group name in group name box.
iii. Type the group description.
iv. Click on Submit.
Q- How can I add Single Mobile number in a group?
A- Click on My Groups
i. Select the check box of a group in which number has to be added.
ii. Click on View.
iii. Click on add.
iv. Type the details of Student like Name, Mobile no., Area, Address, Parent Name, Parent Mobile number, Bus number, Class, Section.
v. Click on Submit
Q- How Can i add Multiple Mobile numbers at a time in groups?
A- Click on My Groups
i. Select the check box of a group in which number has to be added.
ii. Click on View.
iii. Click on add.
iv. Click on Add from .CSV
v. Prepare excel sheet in comma delimited.csv format with following field in it-
a. Open a excel sheet.
b. In column A- Mobile numbers-Single 10 digit Mobile number without space on which SMS have to be sent
c. In column B- Receiver's Name
d. In column C- Area- Locality
e. In column D- Parent Name - Father/Mother name
f. In column E- Parent Mobile number - Single 10 digit mobile number.
g. In column F- Address
h. In column G- Bus Number
i. In column H- Class
j. In column I- Section.
k. Click on Save as to save the excel sheet
l. Give the location desktop or anywhere you want it.
m. In save as type option select the comma delimited .csv format.
n. Click on "Save"
Q- How can I send SMS to a single class/Group?
A- Click on My groups
i. Select the check box of a group/class on which SMS have to be sent.
ii. Click on Send SMS
iii. Type the message in message box
iv. Click on submit one time and wait until message sent successfully appears
Q- How can I send SMS to a Mutiple/All classes/Groups?
A- Click on My groups
i. Select the check boxes of a groups/clasess on which SMS have to be sent.
ii. Click on Send SMS
iii. Type the message in message box
iv. Click on submit one time and wait until message sent successfully appears
Q- How can I edit the group name?
A- Click on My Groups
i. Select the check box of a group.
ii. Click on edit.
iii. Change the group name.
iv. Click on Submit
Q- How can I delete a single or multiple groups at a time?
A- Click on My groups
i. Select a single/Multiple check box of the groups hs to be deleted.
ii. Click on delete.
iii. Single/Multiple groups deleted successfully
Q- How can I delete Mobile Number from a group?
A- Click on My groups
i. Select a check box of a particular group.
ii. Click on view.
iii. Select the check box of one or more student.
iv. Click on delete.
v. The mobile number will get deleted from that group.
Note- When you delete the data of students from the group, it will get deleted from the groups only but not from the contacts. If you want to edit the data of student then do editing from the contacts, it will get automatically edited in the groups. Likewise if you delete the data from the contacts the data will get automatically deleted from the groups
5- Personalise
This feature lets you send individually personalised messages to each receiver. For example "Dear Anil....", "Dear Sumit..." or "Your marks are XXXXX", "Your attendance is YYYYY".
Simply upload your Excel (.csv format) sheet below with each row containing one mobile number and one personalised message Tip: Try uploading a trial .csv sheet with your name first
Q- How can I send personalised messages?
A- Click on Personalise
i. First open a new excel sheet
ii. In Column A- Type Single 10 digit mobile numbers.
iii. In column B- Type the message in front of each mobile number.
iv. Save the excel sheet in comma delimited .csv format.
v. Now click on Browse
vi. Select the excel sheet
vii. Click on submit wait till next screen appears.
viii. Click on push wait till next screen appears.
ix. Click on submit only one time and wait till screen appears message sent successfully.
1. For correct uploading, no COMMAS should be used anywhere inside a .csv sheet. Please use SPACE instead of commas if needed
2. While there is no restriction on the character count sent, messages longer than 160 characters will be broken into multiple parts on some mobile phones. To avoid inconvenience to your receivers, please stay within 160 characters
3. To personalise each row, you can use a simple MS-Excel function called CONCATENATE. To learn how to use this function,
Click on Microsoft's Help Page Here
4. This feature will work fine with non-personalised .csv sheets too e.g., same message in all rows
6- Send Later
This Send Later or Scheduler feature lets you schedule the message for later purpose when you are not in school or when you are in travelling. For Example- You can schedule the message for Holiday of Diwali or for the invitation of annual functions etc. today only. The message will get automatically broadcasted on the date you have mentioned in the scheduler
Q- How can I schedule the message?
A- Click on Send Later
i. Click on "Add".
ii. If you want to schedule the message for the group then click on check box and select the group on which you want to schedule the message.
iii. Type the Mobile number on which you also want a scheduled alert.
iv. Type the schedule date and time.
v. Select the sender name.
vi. Select the reccurence For Ex- If want to send SMS only one time a year then in Every box type 1 and select Year… then message will get broadcast only 1 time a year on the selected date. Likewise if your select in Every box 1 and select day then that message will get broadcasted daily one tims. Likewise if you select in Every box 1 and month then the message will get broadcasted 1 times a month etc..
vii. Type the message in the message box.
viii. Click on "Schedule it"
ix. The message gets scheduled
7- My Reports
This My Reports feature will let you see the delivery reports of the previous sent messages. Whether the messages are delivered or not or how many or what messages are sent on the specific dates just on a single click by mentioning the dates. You can also export the reports of correct or incorrect mobile numbers in excel sheets separately
Q- How can I see the reports of message sent today e.g., 23/08/2014?
A- Click on My reports
i. Select 22/08/2012 in from date.
ii. Select 23/08/2012 in to date.
iii. Click on Submit and wait till reports appears on screen
Q- How can I Export the reports of message sent today i.e 23/08/2014 in to excel sheet?
A- Click on My reports
i. Click on to export log data in to excel file click here
ii. Select the "From" and "To" dates.
iii. Select 23/08/2012 in to date.
iv. Click on Submit and wait till MS-Excel Sheet gets downloaded
Q- How can I get the Logs of Invalid numbers sent on a particular date?
A- Click on My reports
i. Click on to get logs of invalid numbers click here
ii. Select the "From" and "To" dates
iii. Click on Submit and wait till MS-Excel Sheet gets downloaded
8- Broadcast SMS
This "Broadcast SMS" feature lets you send messages to multiple receivers without putting them into a group. Just select the check boxes from your address book below and then click on the "Send SMS" button type the message and broadcast it
9- My History
This History feature lets you see how many numbers of messages you have broadcasted from which sender ID on the specific dates and time
10- Create Template
This create template feature enables saving time. For Ex- You can now create pre default holiday templates, PTM templates etc.. and use them to broadcast in future without typing them again and again
Q- What is "Templates" ?
A- The "Templates" feature allows you to send out the same message to multiple recipients, with different text inserted in each message. For example, "Dear A, your marks in Subject #1 are 100", "Dear B, your marks in Subject # 2 are 80", "Dear C, your marks in Subject #3 are 60" and so on
A single sentence is created as the messages, and empty spaces are left inside to take data from an Excel sheet later
Q- What is the flow?
A- We first define a message sentence with empty fields, and the upload an Excel sheet with the respective data in each row which will fill up those fields
Q- How can I use the Templates feature?
A- 1. Click on "Templates"
2. The page displays all previous created templates
a. Select any existing template and click on "Edit" to change the text OR
b. Select any existing template and click on "View" to read the full text if truncated
c. Select any existing template and click on "Delete" to remove it from the list
d. Select any existing template and click on "Send SMS" to use the template (the next page will ask for destination mobile numbers)
3. Use the "Check All" and "Uncheck All" buttons to select all displayed templates
4. If no templates have been created before, the page is blank
5. Click on "Add Template" to create a new template
a. In "Name" field, give the template which you are about to create any name for easy recall later
b. In "SMS text" field, type in the SMS text you wish to send. Use the following fields to define the empty spaces where you will fill up details from the Excel sheet later
c. Click on "Add"
6. After clicking on "Send SMS", you can upload the Excel sheet (in .csv format) with the following pattern
a. Column # 1 of the Excel sheet = mobile number
b. Column # 2 = Text to be inserted into the 1st empty space in the template
c. Column # 3 = Text to be inserted into the 2nd empty space in the template
d. Column # 4 = Text to be inserted into the 3rd empty space in the template
e. Click on "Submit"
7. The system will display a total count of the number of recipients. Confirm that this is correct
8. Click on "Push" to send the messages
11- Mark sheets
This "Result" feature lets you send individually Exam Results of each student. Simply upload your Excel (.csv format) sheet below with each row containing mobile, Roll number, class, section, Total marks, Sujcat Name-Subject Mark e.g., Hindi-68 up to 6 subjects, and your Remarks if any
Q- How can I broadcast Exam Results?
A- Click on "Mark sheets"
i. Click on "Bulk upload exam results"
ii. Prepare an excel(.csv format) sheet below with each row containing
a. Column A- Mobile Number
b. Column B- Roll number
c. Column C- Class
d. Column D- Section
e. Column E- Total marks
f. Column F- Subject1 followed by Marks in subject1. example, Hindi - 68 . You can list upto 6 subjects in Columns G, H, I, J, K
g. Column L- Remark
h. Click on "Save As" to save the excel sheet
i. Specify the location as your desktop or any other location on your computer
j. In "Save as type" option select the "comma delimited .csv" format.
k. Click on "Save"
iii. Return to the browser window and click on "Browse" to select the file.
iv. Click on "Submit" and wait till message sent successfully appears.
Note- For correct uploading, no COMMAS should be used anywhere inside a .csv sheet. Please use SPACE instead of commas if needed
12- Fee Reminders
This "Fees" feature lets you send individually attendance percentage of each student. Simply upload your Excel (.csv format) sheet below with each row containing one mobile, Roll number, class, section, Total Fees, Given Amount, Pending Amount, and Remark
Q- How can I broadcast Fees Reminders?
A- Click on Fee Reminders
i. Click on Bulk upload Fee Alert.
ii. Prepare an excel(.csv format) sheet below with each row containing
a. Column A- Mobile Number
b. Column B- Roll number
c. Column C- Class
d. Column D- Section
e. Column E- Total Fees
f. Column F- Given Amount
g. Column H- Pending Amount
h. Column I- Remark
i. Click on Save as to save the excel sheet
j. Give the location desktop or anywhere you want it.
k. In save as type option select the comma delimited .csv format.
l. Click on save.
iii. Click on Browse and select the file.
iv. Click on submit and wait till message sent successfully appears.
Note- For correct uploading, no COMMAS should be used anywhere inside a .csv sheet. Please use SPACE instead of commas if needed
13- Attendance
This "Attendance" feature lets you send individually attendance percentage of each student. Simply upload your Excel (.csv format) sheet below with each row containing one mobile, Roll number, class, section, Total percentage of attendance.
Q- How can I broadcast Attendance?
A- Click on Attendance
i. Click on Bulk upload Attendance.
ii. Prepare an excel(.csv format) sheet below with each row containing
a. Column A- Mobile Number
b. Column B- Roll number
c. Column C- Class
d. Column D- Section
e. Column E- Total Percentage of attendance
f. Click on Save as to save the excel sheet
g. Give the location desktop or anywhere you want it.
h. In save as type option select the comma delimited .csv format.
i. Click on save.
iii. Click on Browse and select the file.
iv. Click on submit and wait till message sent successfully appears.
Note- For correct uploading, no COMMAS should be used anywhere inside a .csv sheet. Please use SPACE instead of commas if needed
Step # 3: Couldn't find your answer above? Write to us!
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Step # 4: Still Stuck? We're Here To Help!
Our Office numbers (For all working days): +91 11 2669 2263 / 64
Mail id (For same day response):
Mobile (For emergency / urgent issues): +91 97118 73456